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  • Why Billion.Global?
    • Because as a Billion.Global partner, you have something to offer other partners . . . or a need we can help fulfill by connecting you with other partners who have strength and resources to share. We connect dots to make this happen. • Because of a bold vision to work together to make the gospel accessible to at least a billion people. This can only happen as kingdom organizations embrace cooperation.
  • Is this about a billion people coming to Christ?
    It’s about a billion having opportunity to hear, understand and believe the Good News.
  • Is there danger of “spraying a quick coat of Gospel-lite” over people just to say they’ve had this opportunity?
    Yes, this is a danger. For this reason, Billion.Global leaders actively promote the principle of nurturing disciples who can become disciple makers, which must be done in community.
  • What are the principles of cooperation espoused by Billion.Global leaders?
    1) Given the gravity of the human condition and the infinite value of Christ’s work to resolve it, cooperation within the Body of Christ to make this resolution available to all is essential. 2) Each part of the Body of Christ has some helpful, special contribution which can be appreciated by other parts. 3) Christ’s mission can only be fulfilled by interdependence between parts of the Body of Christ. 4) Cooperation in mission must transcend organizational, national and ethnic barriers. 5) Unselfishness coupled with humility enable cooperation to thrive. 6) Cooperation grows when there are healthy relationships with God and between partners. 7) Waiting on God together in intercession helps fuel healthy cooperation. Only with the enlarging, empowering, unifying work of the Spirit can cooperation grow.
  • Who are the people behind Billion.Global?
    Dave Oakley – A microbiologist by training, Dave took early retirement from Eli Lilly and Company and helps to coordinate Billion.Global. With God’s enablement and a persevering approach, Dave has been instrumental in engaging many new Billion.Global partners, discerning how the strengths of one organization could offset the weaknesses of another, and connecting dots between Great Commission, Great Commandment organizations for cooperation. Nathanael Saylor – With extensive experience in youth ministry, Nathanael now leads Victory Fellowship, imperfect people who simply love Jesus, each other, and their community. God is using Nathanael and his family to bring fresh wind and fire to this church which was about to close. With expertise in marketing and communication, Nathanael oversees the Billion.Global website, hosts virtual gatherings, and keeps partners encouraged with progress reports. Bob Fetherlin – Serving as One Mission Society’s President from 2014-2022, Bob has stepped aside from that role to help coordinate Billion.Global . He is passionate to see everyone have opportunity to know and follow Jesus, growing into reproducing disciples in Christ-centered communities of faith. Having previously served in West Africa, Bob has been involved in leading Christian mission efforts with The Christian and Missionary Alliance and One Mission Society. Rick Warren – A Time magazine cover article named Rick Warren the most influential spiritual leader in America and one of the 100 most influential people in the world. Tens of millions of copies of Pastor Rick’s books have been published in 200 languages. His best known books, The Purpose Driven Life and The Purpose Driven Church, were named three times in national surveys of pastors (by Gallup, Barna, and Lifeway) as the two most helpful books in print. Rick and his wife Kay founded Saddleback Church, the Purpose Driven Network, the PEACE Plan and Hope for Mental Health. He is cofounder of Celebrate Recovery with John Baker. Pastor Rick has spoken in 165 nations. He has spoken at the United Nations, US Congress, numerous parliaments, the World Economic Forum, TED, Aspen Institute, and lectured at Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, and other universities. Rick is executive director of Finishing the Task, a global movement of denominations, organizations, churches, and individuals working together on the Great Commission goals of ensuring that everyone everywhere has access to a Bible, a believer and a local body of Christ. Steve Douglass – Prior to his promotion to Glory, Billion.Global was blessed by Steve's contributions as a consultant. He brought his 53 years of Cru experience, as well as extensive wisdom and knowledge in the areas of creating partner networks and fostering collaborative relationships to better the effectiveness of the Billion.Global vision. Billion.Global will be forever impacted by Steve's gracious input. In the words of Steve Douglass, "There are many ways to make a difference in people’s lives. But none is more significant than helping people establish a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.”
  • With what church or para-church organization is Billion.Global associated?
    Billion.Global was birthed at One Mission Society, the lead partner of the network.
  • How is Billion.Global financed?
    By the generosity of God’s people who believe in and support this kingdom initiative.
  • How much does it cost to be a Billion.Global partner?
    There’s no entry fee or financial obligation.
  • Does Billion.Global provide funds to partners?
    Billion.Global is not a funding organization, but is about interdependence and cooperation.
  • What are the expectations of Billion.Global partners?
    • Interceding for God’s empowerment and provision. • Sharing tools, strategies and breakthrough ideas. • Participating up to twice a year in a one-hour, virtual progress conversation. • Benefitting as desired from Billion.Global virtual gatherings. • Working to increase gospel access and nurture reproducing disciples. • Sharing annually a statistical update indicating progress in work being done. • Giving all glory to Christ.
  • About how much time is needed each year to participate in Billion.Global?
    Out of respect for partners, we ensure participation in the Billion.Global network is time well spent. It is our desire to meet with a designated representative from each partner twice a year, for a 30-minute zoom check-in to hear updates, challenges, and explore potential collaborative opportunities with other partners in the network. Partners are welcome to participate in free quarterly gatherings featuring leaders and ministries around the world. These gatherings are used for times of inspiration, equipping, and partner exploration. As desired, partners may also participate in relevant round-tables where ministries meet virtually for intentional planning and collaborative efforts.
  • What are the doctrinal commitments of Billion.Global?
    The foundational doctrinal commitments for being a part of Billion.Global are expressed in the 1974 Lausanne Statement of Faith.
  • Is organizational identity compromised by partners to cooperate with other parts of the Body of Christ?
    Each Billion.Global maintains their identity and freedom, bringing their unique contribution.
  • Do Billion.Global partners face considerable pressure to partner with others?
    Influence, not pressure, is respectfully and humbly used to nurture cooperation.
  • If we decide to participate in Billion.Global, how long are we obligated to stay?
    While it’s hoped all partners will remain engaged long term, participation is voluntary.
  • What are the benefits of being a Billion.Global partner?
    Here are two primary ones: • YOU STRENGTHEN OTHERS. You have something to offer other partners, and Billion.Global will help connect you to do this. • OTHERS STRENGTHEN YOU. We seek to connect you with other partners who have strength and resources to share, connecting relationally to make this happen. The result: cooperation leads to kingdom synergy! Together we are stronger than any one of us could ever be in isolation. “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! . . . For there the Lord bestows his blessing” (Psalm 133:1, 3).
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